El punto de vista que pocos ven y que a muchos enamora. Drone Filming Videos Promocionales Control de Proyectos Real State Videos



We create a bright catalog of services and products 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to the whole world.

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3d Design

Focused on give visual explanations of different projects.
Construction or Product modeling are our main field.

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Drone Videos

The creation of a video campaing is an important step for a company. For make it more spectacular we use & drone shots.

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Rubén Montero

Learner Lover I accept  challenges just to be out of my comfort zone and keep learning.

Comunicating and using the knowledge obtained with years of passion & experience, and a lot of “battles”.

Updater enjoyer, that’s my own description.

Loving to tell a wide range of solutions depending on the specs of every project.

Strength does not come from winning